[專題演講]5/27 Confronting Some Critical Ironies in Rural Education: Beyond Learning to Leave 挑戰鄉村教育的幾個核心矛盾:超越《學會離開》, Michael Corbett教授(加拿大Acadia大學教育學院榮譽教授)主講



演講題目:Confronting Some Critical Ironies in Rural Education: Beyond Learning to Leave 挑戰鄉村教育的幾個核心矛盾:超越《學會離開》

講者:Michael Corbett教授(加拿大Acadia大學教育學院榮譽教授)

時間:113年5月27日(一) 9-11am



Google Meet 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/qom-drdd-eaw

【DEHPD Lecture】

Topic:Confronting Some Critical Ironies in Rural Education: Beyond Learning to Leave
Speaker:Professor Michael Corbett(Acadia University)
Time: May 27, 2024 (Monday), 9-11am
Location: Hua-Shih College of Education, Room B320

This speech is available for online video participation simultaneously

Google Meet:https://meet.google.com/qom-drdd-eaw